Summary notes, crib sheets, etc compiled by me.
(English) History
for UG CS)
Maths for natural scientists, Y1
Maths: MSc 2021–
Group Theory – Revision summary notes
Group Theory – crib sheets (groups)
Group Theory – Quick crib sheets (theorems)
Linear & non-linear optimisation – Revision summary notes (for closed-book exam!)
Calculus III – Crib sheets for open-book exam
Topology – Crib sheets for open-book exam
(I thought I had more pages but they are lost to history)
Topology – Revision notes
Maths of Communications – Revision summary notes
Maths of Communications – Crib sheets for open-book exam
Combinatorial Optimisation – Revision summary / Algo. crib sheets
PDF: Maths Essay:
Graph labelling (radiocolouring)
A .tex file for drawing LFSRs:
Annular braids and circular (closed) braids in LaTeX
Odds and ends
The Topology Trousers
Guess the Change
, a fun and exciting game for all the family
A stack exchange question: how many changes to return to rounds?
Dancing braids
Dancing Brunnian links
CS Stuff (2000–2005)
(See main
notes page
: content here is duplicate)
MSc Project Work (Summer 2005):
Literature Review [pdf]
Research Proposal [pdf]
Mid-way talk [pdf]
Final thesis [pdf]
Course notes
Long list / CS notes
MSc (Edinburgh Informatics 2004)
Third Year (Cambridge CS 2002)
Second Year (Cambridge CS 2001)
First Year (Cambridge CS 2000)
Acute: high-level programming language design for distributed computation (2004)
Bibtex [pdf]
acute paper [pdf]
(See also the
CL page
) and
Peter's Acute page
Phd Stuff (Southampton ECS 2005–2009)
Thesis: Bayesian learning for multi-agent coordination [pdf]
(March 2009)
Bayesian adaptation for complex dynamic systems [pdf]
(September 2008)
Bayesian learning for cooperation in multi-agent systems [pdf]
(July 2008)
Poster for Aladdin Symposium [pdf]
(July 2008)
Slides for Pizza Talk [pdf]
(November 2007)
Report from Grace Hopper conference [pdf]
(October 2007)
Poster for Grace Hopper conference [pdf]
(October 2007)
Poster for Aladdin Symposium [pdf]
(September 2007)
Slides for pizza seminar [pdf]
(June 2007)
Transfer Report [pdf]
(June 2007)
Robocup Rescue
(August 2006)
Nine month report [pdf]
(August 2006)
Slides for introductory presentation at Aladdin workshop [pdf]
(March 2006)
5 minute report for Post-Grad training [pdf]
(January 2006)
Proposal [pdf]
(May 2005)